Crop Donation

Please use the form below to register your crop, you may also register your crop over the phone by calling (253) 278-6215. Please do not register again if you have previously registered a crop with us. Just call instead. All harvest participants are trained in proper harvesting methods and sign waivers of liability that protect the crop owner as well as Harvest Pierce County's Gleaning Project.

More information about how Harvest Pierce County's Gleaning Project manages harvests of farm crops can be read here, and about homeowner's crops here.

As a farmer/backyard grower, you are protected:  Click here to read about The Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act. All donors will receive a tax deductible donation receipt. Please read about coverage and our policies.

Privacy: Information entered here is used solely by Harvest Pierce County's Gleaning Project and will not be available to the public. We do not share, sell or otherwise distribute your personal information.

If you have questions, please contact us at

Phone number Alternate phone number

Email address

What is your relationship to this property?

How much (for instance '2 trees' or '3 acres' or '300 pounds')

Location of plants on the property

Crop height (feet)

Does the crop have any fungus, disease or pest issues?


Has the crop been sprayed this year?


Do you have to be home when your tree is scouted/harvested?


Is there anything else you would like us to know (condition of the produce, access to the crops, preferred ways and times to contact you )?

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